I always think that quill bodies look incredibly realistic. Simple tying with maximum effect - ideal. Here are a few emergers with either biot or porcupine abdomens:
CDC & Biot Emerger
Hook: Partridge 15BN #18 - 14
Thread: Sheer 14/0 tan
Abdomen: Turkey biot
Thorax: Hare, dyed olive
Wing: Natural CDC
Porky CDC Emerger
Hook: Partridge 15BN #18 - 14
Thread: Sheer 14/0 tan
Abdomen: Porcupine Quill
Thorax: Hare, dyed dark olive / brown
Loop Wing: Natural CDC
Emerging wing: Woodduck barbs
Parabiotic Emerger
Hook: Partridge 15BN #18 - 14
Thread: Sheer 14/0 tan
Abdomen: Turkey biot
Thorax: Hare, dyed dark olive / brown
Post: TMC Aerowing, tan
Hackle: Badger
I've tied the thorax pretty long here. I like the idea that the divide between thorax and abdomen represent the division between shuck and emerging dun.
Further inspiration needed? If you haven't yet seen his work, take a look at Nik Dahlin's Quill work: