It rained a little today, and with an hour or two to have a look at the stream, I was hoping there may be a few fish stirred into action. Warm air and falling rain... usually means there are one or two willing to show themselves.
Sure enough, peering into the pools, there were fish quartering in the flow, clearly taking nymphs. However the clarity was high ~ so the fish were easily spooked.
Now you may get some funny looks approaching a tiny brook or stream with a 10 foot rod, but believe me, it can allow you to approach the fish with far greater delicacy and line control is hugely improved. With the extra length you can keep alot of fly line off the water. This helps prevent drag and improves your presentation enormously. Agreed, you need to be careful with casting, but with the longer rod, you can almost place the flies where you want them, guiding and controlling them through the pool. Line is kept away from bankside vegetation, strikes are immediate and wading is kept to a minimum (infact I only slipped in the water to net a fish).
I ran a heavy nymph through some likely looking holes, but eventually I found some rising fish. A quick change to a #20 CDC Shuttlecock brought immediate success with small browns.

However, a stirring rise on amongst the overhanging vegetation gave away slightly larger fish's location. I aimed for a slack line presentation, but the fish hit the small fly within split seconds and well before any drag could even think about upsetting the fly's drift... it turned out to be a feisty rainbow in beautiful condition.

Neatly in the scissors; the #20 CDC Shuttlecock:

I'll put together a tutorial for this simple pattern. It epitomises simplicity in fly tying and is a worthy addition to any river fisher's fly box.

The rod I was using was a Marryat Tactical 10 footer for a #4 line. More soon.

As I write, the heavens have opened. Good news for the rivers.