Sunday 13 September 2009

A style of emerger I have posted several times, but here's a version with some argentinian hare sent to me from the Fly Tying Boutique. It dubs beautifully and makes a really interesting and busy thorax region that could suggest struggling legs or damp wings:

Hook: B100 #14
Thread: 14/0 sheer
Nymph shuck / abdomen: Porcupine quill
Thorax: Argentinian hare
Wing: CDC, natural



Andy Baird said...

Sweet emerger, Dave... but it was the porcupine quill body that really caught my eye, stunning segmentation and tough as hell I guess.

Nice going!


Dave Wiltshire said...

Thanks Andy. I have really grown to love this style. Porcupine is lovely, lovely stuff and gives great variation in colour... a little like a subtle peccary.


letumgo said...

Superb pattern, Dave! I bet that it fishes as nicely as it looks.