So that's it. Another trout season done and dusted. Every year I plan to get on the water more; every year I always feel I could have managed more. But this season gone has been a good one. I didn't manage much fishing since August, but I don't think I missed a great deal. I have, however, enjoyed my fishing more than ever and I hope that continues. Whilst I try to sort out my season's returns, my mind is starting to wander to colder weather, misty mornings and the on-set of some grayling fishing. Yes, dry flies and small nymphs can catch plenty of fish before the heavy guns put in an appearance, but there's no harm in stocking the boxes...
Heavy Mallard![](
Hook: Dohiku 644 #14
Beads: 2mm Tungsten x2
Thread: Olive Powersilk 10/0
Tail and wing: Mallard
Abdomen: Dark olive spectrablend
Thorax: Peacock spectrablend
~ Dave
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