Tuesday 26 October 2010

Cold Weather Dry Fly

So we've seen the first frosts of autumn / winter, but don't be in too much of a hurry to get the heavy-weight bugs out when targetting grayling. There's still a good chance of seeing Large Dark Olives (Baetis Rhodani) hatching and fish turning onto them, chasing the emerging nymphs and the dun.

For the emerger, you could do worse than trying the CDC Shuttlecock. Simple to tie and super-effective!

(Tied on a Partridge SLD #18)

When the duns are on the surface, floating down the current seams, the colder weather can sometimes mean they take a while before taking to the wing. Dun patterns worth a try include:

(Tied on a Partridge SLD #18)

(Tied on a Partridge SLD #16)



andrew parker said...

I'll take a dozen of each please :-)

Dave Wiltshire said...

Glad you like them!