Tuesday 12 July 2011

Get those tiny dry flies out, the fish are smutting! If you are faced with those tricky, dimpling rises to apparently nothing, then there's a good chance they are either taking tiny midge rf quite possibly terrestrials. Tiny beetles, ants or aphids are a definite choice and it's worth offering the fish something smaller to tempt them.

Fishing tiny flies may not be fill everyone with joy, but they really do work. I am finding success using Varivas hooks - sizes #27, #28 and #30 all have a place. Don't worry - even the fine wire hooks will hold!

CDC is useful for suspending these tiny offerings, but a pattern sunken will also work well, watching the leader for takes. Those surface bsed offerings should be in the surface film.





Peter said...

Hi Dave,
what type of Varivas hook do you use for these small flies and what size tippet would you usually go down to?

alfonso said...

Good pattern! I use a similar one a few years in slow rivers
