Tuesday 9 December 2008

Published in Fly Rodders

I received an email yesterday to say that a couple of my flies had been published in 'Fly Rodders' - a Japanese fly fishing & tying magazine.

I had been asked to put together some step-by-steps and write a few words on a couple of soft-hackled flies I had been tying and fishing. The article was to be put together by Masahito Sato. Look out for this guy's work - really interesting, impressive flies. He is soon to be seen the 'Fly Tyers of the Worls' published by VEM (Steve Thornton).

Anyway, it ended up in print. The problem is my Japanese isn't great so I am really not sure how the article reads...

Anyway, I enjoyed seeing my stuff in print, even if I can't understand it. I can look at the pictures though!



Ulf Hagström said...

That's great Dave, congratulation on the publishing of your flies!


Dave Wiltshire said...

Thanks Ulf ;-)

shanksi said...

Well done Dave sure the flies were up to your usual high standard.


Dave Wiltshire said...

Thanks Ian,

Nice to see you here! Thanks for looking. Hope you keep checking up.
