Wednesday 8 August 2012

I am just back from a few days away, exploring the River Frome and some tiny chalkstreams. Some of these water ways are incredibly small - you can step over them in places. But they are running very clear and I was blown away by the sheer numbers of fish even an apparent trickle of water can hold. These are rich streams indeed, full of food - and hence, full of trout & grayling. More on this in future blog posts.

I am delighted to see that the River Fly Box blog has reached 200 registered followers from all over the world. I also know that there are even more un-registered people that drop in and see what's going on. When originally launched, I had no idea how popular the blog would be.

So can I take this opportunity to say and massive thanks for all the support and for reading my contributions.



Anonymous said...

David, Your readership is well deserved! Those little streams can make for some really intimate little trips. Can't wait for future posts.

cofisher said...

Hi Dave. Another Colorado blogger here to wish you 200 more followers. I love reading abut English chalkstreams and the beautiful fish they provide.